Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Sad by Mormon Enigma

Today, I am feeling sad
Sad, for the burden I must carry alone
Sad, because I cannot tell others of my burden
Sad, for others like me with similar burdens
Sad, because the feelings within me ache
Sad, because I must suppress these feelings
Sad, because I feel like I’m betraying those I love by even having these feelings
Sad, because I know tomorrow will be more of the same
Sad, for the day after tomorrow as well
Sad, because there is no end in site
Sad, because, sometimes, I just want it all to end
Sad, because I feel selfish for thinking only of myself
Sad, because of the hurt I would cause if I ended it
Today, I am feeling sad

1 comment:

Abelard Enigma said...

Migrated from mormon-enigma-verses blog on 5/05/2010