Today is Kris Allen's birthday - he is 25 years old.
For anybody new to this blog - Kris Allen (2009 American Idol winner) is my imaginary boyfriend. Of course, in my imaginary world, I am young and skinny and hot looking and single and ...
I was JUST thinking about Kris Allen! I was outside on my bench watching a cat prowling dumb crows and "Aint no sunshine" by KA came on my I-Pod. :)
You and Kris would make quite the romantic pair- "Enigma" and Kris, up in a tree... (Just teasing you a little)
Happy night!
Uhmmmmm, Kris is my boyfriend. Ill fight for him too! BRING IT!
I bet you're the #1 result when people google him; he is so yummy he makes 25 year olds wish they were young and cute and single, even if they already are. Way to go!!!
Not if you google "kris allen" - but if you google "kris allen mormon" I am #1 in the search results list :)
And I still continue to get, at least, a couple of hits per day from someone googling "kris allen mormon" (or some variation)
Maybe we should form a Gay Mormon fans of Kris Allen fan club :)
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