Our high council speaker yesterday is a former stake president (from another stake) and mission president. In other words, he was a talker. Our sacrament meeting starts at 1:00pm. At 2:10 I noticed he glanced at the clock - and kept talking. A few minutes later I glanced at the clock, it was 2:15pm. At 2:20pm the bishop was starting to squirm and the congregation was visibly becoming restless. At 2:25pm the bishop finally got up and reminded him of the time - to which he apologized explaining that his home ward starts at 1:30pm; so, he thought he had until 2:35pm to fill. I have no doubt he would have kept talking until 2:35pm (or even later) had the bishop not intervened.
Anyway, at one point in his talk he brought up Sodom and Gomorrah - I braced myself. Then he said that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was that they did not take care of the poor among them. He continued, "many believe that they were destroyed because of sexual sins. While it's true that sexual sins abounded - that is not why God destroyed them - they were destroyed because of their pride and ignoring of their poor and needy." [paraphrased as best as I can remember].
While that has been my understanding of the scriptural accounts of why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed - that is the first I've ever heard it explained that way from the pulpit.
I was recently on an LDS tour of Israel & Egypt, and our tour guide (a very traditional, true-blue Mormon--he had a number of Bruce R. McConkie quotes, for instance) made that same point when we read about Sodom & Gomorrah, reading from the passage in Ezekiel about it. Hopefully these anecdotes are signs of some positive change.
A friend of mine recently posted the following link to my facebook page:
It is actually quite good and makes someone like me think. Even though I've given up religion all together, I know that my gayness is completely reconcilable.
I actually had one of the stake presidency, in stake conference start obliquely in on health care and Democrats in general, so I, like you cringed just now when you brought up S&G because I know how it would've gone HERE.
I appreciate the huddled pic, as thats how I feel when anyone starts to push the speaking limit.
When we covered S&G in Gospel Doctrine a couple of months ago, it went down the same path - that the destruction was because of their pride and arrogance and neglect of those around them. Nothing was said about their sexual sins...
I hope I see more than just a trend in each of these experiences here.
As for getting nervous about a meeting going over... there is not a more true statement then "the speaker may go overtime, but the spirit leaves on time..." or something like that.
So, he spent hours just to say that? Wew, he is indeed a talker....
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