Sunday, in fast and testimony meeting, a sister talked about how a lot of members disagree with the church's involvement in prop 8 in California - and some have even left the church because of it. She then went into how we just need to follow the prophet. As she spoke, I thought of a line from the film "Star Trek: First Contact"
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: The crew is accustomed to following my orders.
Lily Sloane: They're probably used to your orders making sense!
Welcome to middle age.
Abelard, I'm betting if you paid a visit to Santa Claus, you'd be more in the holiday mood.
Oh get off your "Bah Humbug" mood and get the flippin' tree up! It will lift your spirits when it's said and done...
And go get a real one! And help your grandkids cut out paper snowflakes and paper chains and decorate it with them! You'll feel better after you've done it... I guarantee you!
By the way, we have five (yes, I said five) Christmas trees in our house. My wife collects all sorts of things (places we've been, things kids have made, memorabilia that means something to our family, etc.) and she's got so much stuff it won't fit on one tree...
And we have four "presepio" or manger scenes... and guess who does all the decorating? Huh?... Well I guess I need to remind her that she should be grateful for marrying a gay man when it comes to Christmastime decorating! Maybe I should remind her of that little factoid...
Welcome to middle age.
It sucks!!!
if you paid a visit to Santa Claus, you'd be more in the holiday mood.
Yeah, I think sitting on that Santa's lap might cheer me up :)
go get a real one
Not from around these parts - are you? Christmas trees are shipped in from Minnesota, and were probably cut a couple of months ago. Plus, they are quite expensive (like $100-$200).
we have five (yes, I said five) Christmas trees in our house
We only setup one tree this year; plus, we only put on a small subset of the ornaments we own - basically all of the Hallmark ornaments we've collected over the years, about half of which are Star Trek - so we have this galactic battle thing going on. Also, because we'll have 2 year olds running around, most of the ornaments are on the upper half of the tree.
I did setup a train around the Christmas tree for the grandkids
help your grandkids cut out paper snowflakes and paper chains and decorate it with them!
Been a while since you've been around two year olds? Scissors not such a good idea - plus they tend to eat the paper.
we have four "presepio" or manger scenes
I did setup our Fontanini nativity - we've collected quite a few of the pieces over the years.
So, I've been trying - but I feel like I'm only going through the motions.
I've been spending days decorating thise year. My theme this year is a "homemade Christmas". Even our tree is a costume that my wife created for a production. Still have a few more things to do but I am happy with the results...now if i could only get the kids to produce more "homemade" items.... silly child labor rules. :)
btw: Kengo.... LOVED the Santa definetly made my day!!!!
I didn't put up lights, but I did put a heat coil on the roof:)
Haha, "making sense" huh? Well, I'm still scratching my head about the whole prop 8 thing. Don't think too much about it or you'll give yourself a headache. :)
As far as the lack of Christmas spirit...FIND IT!!! Have a dream, get taken away by a midnight train, meet Frosty, got to the island of misfit toys...whatever you have to! GET IT BACK!!! You can't be a gay Scrooge! He's definately not compassionate enough. ;) Just kidding about all that. But, feeling the Chirstmas spirit definately is funner than not feeling it. Later Abe. Love ya.
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