A: They are both being targeted by fundamentalist Christians

The fundamentalist Christians have made this into a big enough stink that some stores are actually pulling the doll from their shelves. Someone even made a YouTube video
Now, I will admit that if I listen really carefully it does kinda sorta sound like it is saying "Allah is Light" - but, isn't this simply because the suggestion has been planted in my brain? Had I listened to this doll before hearing of this controversy, I seriously doubt I would have heard anything other than simulated babbling and cooing. In fact, my thoughts would more likely have been along the line of "that's annoying - how do you take the batteries out of this thing?"
It doesn't even make sense. Even if you did give your little girl a talking baby doll who says "Allah is Light" as part of its repertoire, it's not like it will lead her to declare jihad against the family.

Enough said ...
That's funny (and the doll is, well, kind of creepy).
What do these christian fundamentalists think Arabic speaking christian fundamentalists call God, anyway?
As I understand it, if you're Jewish or Christian or Muslim, in Arabic, the word "God" is "Allah," so they should be thrilled by this proselytizing toy ;-).
And don't forget S&M Barbie!
And don't forget S&M Barbie!
Well, we all know Ken is gay. I mean, seriously, 43 years of dating, and it never went beyond driving around in her pink Barbie dream car. And now Barbie has left Ken for that Aussie hunk Blaine.
Is Blaine sponsored by AussieBum underwear? That would be awesome...
And on a serious note:
It boggles my mind completely and utterly that the church got so in-bed with the fanatic right here in California for the Prop 8 ordeal. These people are absolutely crazy an the church wants to be recognized as one of them? I don't get it. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a really bad reason to team up with people.
After watching that clip I am seriously scared for life. I dont't think I will look at a doll the same way again. Just imagine how doll will be when we have grandchildren! Creepy...
I'm with Scot on that one.
I thought it said "Islam is the light," but again, as Abe said, the idea was planted in my head.
In arabic, muslim means "one who believes in God (allah)." Byt that definition, I am a mormon and a muslim. Gotta love Wikipedia!
Yeah, even the video says the dolls says "islam is light" not the two you put up here, which just goes to show anyone can interpret whatever the heck they want out of that cooing.
The picture of the two girls is seriously messed up. I feel so sorry for them.
Ooh! I just remembered what this reminds me of! All those people who find pictures of Jesus and Mary in slightly-burnt toast! YES!!!
That's it. I'm boycotting toast.
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