Nebraska has amended it's 'Safe Haven' law which allows an unwanted child to be dropped off at a hospital - no questions asked. It seems when they first drafted the law they failed to put in an age limit - and people were driving to Nebraska from all over the country to drop off their children - some as old as 17 years - the last being a 14 year old boy from California. It adds a whole new threat to a parents repertoire - "If you don't shape up - we're going to Nebraska!"
But no more - on Saturday the amended law went into effect so that it only applies to newborn babies born in the previous 30 days - which is more consistent with similar "baby moses" laws in the other 49 states.
For those poor unwanted older children who were abandoned in Nebraska - and who will probably be emotionally scarred for the rest of their lives - isn't it wonderful that their parents were, most likely, heterosexual?
I feel so sorry for those kids.
At least there is one bright spot in the news :(
On the other hand, if their parents "love" them that much, are they really worse off as wards of the state of Nebraska than they were with their parents?
Don't get me wrong--I feel terrible for the kids, and I think that their parents should have to face repercussions for abandoning them. But any parent that would do that to a child--especially an older child--is almost certainly an unfit parent, and should have their kids taken away from them anyway.
Abe, that's more than a little unfair. Seriously, how many gay couples have teenagers statistically?
Almost as bad as some of the generalizations I've seen made the other direction.
HA ha ha! ...corn
Abe, that's more than a little unfair. Seriously, how many gay couples have teenagers statistically?
I think you missed the point - gay couples shouldn't be allowed to raise children because heterosexual couples make much better parents.
btw, I believe John and Göran Gustav-Wrathall have a teenage son they are foster parenting.
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