Prayers for Bobby - True story of Mary Griffith whose teenage son committed suicide due to her religious intolerance, leaving her struggling to make peace with herself. Based on the
book of the same title by Leroy Aarons. Stars Sigourney Weaver.
Premieres on
Lifetime cable network, January 24 at 9:00pm (8:00pm central) -
My wife was telling me about this show. She wanted to see it but was not sure where or when it was on. Thanks for letting us know.
I'm touched just watching the trailer. Makes me want to finally break down and enter the 20th Century and get cable...
I read this book when it first came out in 1996, then I re-read it a few months ago. It's just as powerful and relevant now as when it was first published. I'm so happy that Lifetime has made it into a movie that will introduce a new generation of teens and parents to this moving story.
To really understand the power of the story, though, read the book before or after seeing the movie. Leroy Aarons captured the voices and stories of both Bobby and his mother Mary in ways that speak to us today.
I knew the author, Leroy (Roy) Aarons (http://www.leroyaarons.com/) personally, and he told me about getting many letters from gay youth who had contemplated suicide before reading this book -- it literally saved their lives. Many gave it to their mothers, hoping that they would reach the conclusion that Mary finally did without having to deal with the death of a child first.
I just finished reading this book and it was touching, moving, sad, and still uplifting and inspiring.
It now belongs to my book of top ten recommended non-fiction.
I love Sean's comment.
I wrote about the book and the movie on my own blog, also:
Can't wait for the program to air this weekend!
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